To be completely honest, I don't know what to put on here and I dont really have much to actually put on a website, nevertheless we must persist. I was simply inspired to make this personal webpage by a number of cool people:) In the spirit of redistribution I suppose I shall redistribute some of their ideas in my own way:0 A set of tea reviews to begin, a dream diary, a selection of random thoughts and other fun things that I can come up with, feel free to browse at your leisure or go straight to the source and click on the homies page to see all of the sites that have inspired this one. This site will be a never-ending project and conistently changing and breaking so bare with me as update occur.
A brief introduction: I'm 21 and currently in my masters year studying materials science and engineering, hence the material girl name. Right now I'm dilly-dallying to the best of my ability for as long as possible before I have to think about real world things, using this site to procrastinate oop-. I love to craft, bake, have hot drinks and really am easily pleased by a lot. My favourite colour is orange, my hair is constantly changing colour and I hate wasps and the deep ocean terrifies me. Ultimately just another person...who just so happens to have ended up here. I sincerely hope you enjoy exploring my mind-dump of a website and if anyone can tell me what any of my dreams might mean, do tell because they are all over the place.
Twinnings: Moment of Calm
Spiced camomile & vanilla with roasted chicory root:

This tea right here, has become somewhat of a staple in my life, a true joy to consume. She is delectable, has a soothing gingery aroma that isnt overpowering and a smooth and delicate flavour that really does exactly what it says on the box...calms. Call me basic but a simple vanilla sweetness with traditional camomile just hits good and the added richness from the roasted chicory gives depth and further warmth. This is by far my favourite herbal tea at the moment, the one I find I can turn to on any day and in any mood, unlike some others which require certain vibes or circumstances to reach their full potential. To conclude, this tea is an absolute banger!
Rating: 10/10
Taylors of Harrogate: Earl Grey Tea
Black tea with natural flavourings:

Taylors of Harrogate is perhaps not very well known as a brand in it's own right, however it is the creator of THE Yorkshire Tea, so clearly has a history and is not to be messed with. I therefore have a slight bias towards this tea given my northern upbringing but the quality of the brew cannot be understated. I personally prefer an earl grey to a 'typical english cuppa' so this ranks fairly high for me. There is a fragrant and light undertone, despite the dark colour, with a sweet but fairly weak scent. With every sip the notes of bergamot increase pleasantly as you would expect from any earl grey and the overall flavour is very agreeable. I do feel as though there is still something missing an extra zing wouldnt hurt. I wouldn't typically add any sugar or honey however, I feel this particular tea would be helped out with these additions and this knocks the socre a little. As far as earl grey's go this is pretty good, nothing spectacular but very respectable given I made this in a rush and without much thought.
Rating: 7.5/10
Hey Look It's Me

Current Earworm

Just Kidding
AMARA ctk100